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1)turn用作动词指“转动,旋转,翻转”。比如:The wheels of the car began to turn. 汽车的轮子开始转动起来。She turned the wheel sharply to the left.她猛地向左打方向盘I can't get the screw to turn.我拧不动这个螺丝钉。

2)turn指“转身,(使)转向”。比如:I turned and headed for home.我转身朝家走去。She turned to look at me.她转过头看着我。He turned back to his work.他回去继续工作。I turned away and looked out of the window.我扭过脸去望着窗外。

3)turn指“翻动(书页)。比如:Please turn to page 10.请翻到 10 页。He sat turning the pages idly.他坐在那里无所事事地翻着书。

4)turn指“(使)变成,成为”。比如:The leaves are turning brown in autumn.秋天叶子变黄。The weather has turned cold.天气变得寒冷了。

2.turn作名词指“转而,反过来”。比如:Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理论基于实践,反过来又服务于实践。


1)turn down拒绝;关小,降低。比如:Why did she turn down your invitation? 她为什么谢绝你的邀请?Turn down the music. It's too loud.关小音乐,太吵了。

2)turn in交还,上交。比如:He must turn in his uniform when he leaves the army.离开部队时他必须交还军服。

3)turn off 拐弯;关上。比如:They turned off into another street.他们拐到了另外一条街。Turn off the light when you leave the classroom.离开教室时关灯。

4)turn on 开,打开。比如:Turn on the TV please.请打开电视。

5)turn out结果是,(最后)证明是;制造,生产。比如:It may not turn out to be the best thing to do.这可能不是最好的做法。This factory turns out various kinds of agricultural implements.这家工厂生产各种农具。

6)turn into变成,是变成。比如:The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.毛毛虫变成了蝴蝶。

7)turn up出现,来到。比如:Tom didn't turn up at the meeting.汤姆没到会。

8)take turns 依次,轮流。比如:We three took turns driving on the way to Hanan.在去海南的路上我们三个人轮流开车。We need to take turns to talk.我们需要轮流讲话。

9)in turn 依次地,轮流地。比如:There were cheers for each of the women as they spoke in turn.女士们依次发言时,每一位都得到了喝彩。


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